El Sueño de Isabel


Artiste: Sean Mollitt 

Format: 31 x 49 in

Medium: Photography + AI framed

Year: 2024

On demand

Artiste: Sean Mollitt 

Format: 31 x 49 in

Medium: Photography + AI framed

Year: 2024

Artiste: Sean Mollitt 

Format: 31 x 49 in

Medium: Photography + AI framed

Year: 2024

LOCATION : Green Avenue


The son of a professional photographer, Sean Mollitt has been involved in photography and digital imagery since the glow of the first pixel. In the mid eighties, after completing his Fine Arts program at St-Lawrence College he moved to the UK, bought his first graphics-capable computer and spent the next few years going "digital". Through the nineties he worked as a freelance graphic designer and art director for some of Montreal's leading ad agencies. During that time he also taught courses in computer graphics and 3D animation at Dawson college. In the late 90's he co-founded E-design inc., one of the first new media/Internet companies in Montreal (acquired by Quebecor in 1997). In 1999 he co-founded Conceptis Technologies, a world-leader in in on-line medical education (acquired by WebMd in 2005). 

In 2005, when Canon released the first ever full-frame digital camera,  he took the opportunity to re-ignite his love of photography and established himself as full-time professional photographer under the brand FOTAU.com. Since then he has worked in the fields of fashion, sports, portrait and event photography. In the last few years he's been pushing the boundaries of digital imagery by combining his years of technical expertise with his creative photographer's eye, experimenting in immersive VR, 360 and drone image capture along with more recent developments in AI-augmented imagery.