Smiles in the Box


Artiste: MAJ Fortier

Format: 18’’ X 14’’ X 12’’ (46cm X 35cm X 30cm)

Medium: Bronze

 Technic:  Lost wax casting
 Foundry:  Atelier du Bronze

Year: 2020

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Artiste: MAJ Fortier

Format: 18’’ X 14’’ X 12’’ (46cm X 35cm X 30cm)

Medium: Bronze

 Technic:  Lost wax casting
 Foundry:  Atelier du Bronze

Year: 2020

Artiste: MAJ Fortier

Format: 18’’ X 14’’ X 12’’ (46cm X 35cm X 30cm)

Medium: Bronze

 Technic:  Lost wax casting
 Foundry:  Atelier du Bronze

Year: 2020

LOCATION : Green Avenue


Art arouses inspiration, captures our imagination, and has the ability to ease our stress. It also has the power to shape our consciousness by energizing our spirit, stimulating our thinking while creating bonds between strangers, enabling children to ask questions and prompting curiosity and awareness of our own environment.

My work stays whimsical, witty and playful. It brings around joy to your heart, happiness to your soul and a constructive twist to life, while keeping an aesthetic ambiance to its surroundings.

Born April 19th, 1961 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada I have lived in Canmore, Alberta from 1983 to 1985 and in Vancouver, British-Columbia from 1986 to 1989 and currently reside in Lac Brome, Quebec.

Self-taught, I have been creating and sculpting artworks as a full-time professional artist for more than 38 years. Ambitious, methodical, responsible, disciplined and organized, I enjoy working with proven, long-lasting materials. I have gained over the years a strong and solid experience in large-scale public art creations. I enjoy teamwork and stay implicated every step of the way to leave no loose ends. I am good at coordinating with diverse entities to create and finalise a mandate. My work and engagements have always respected deadlines and were always within budget. Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers, Subcontractors and Private Corporations that have worked with me can attest to this fact. 

Today, some of the most important monumental sculptures in and around Montreal, Quebec, bear my signature.